Once the shed was up, it seemed a bit easier to get on. I got the plot properly measured up, and sat down with some squared paper to draw a plan. After several attempts, this was the final draft...
We all set to work, marked out several beds with stakes and string, and covered some of the 'spare' ground with weed-control fabric. Then started the almost soul-destroying job of turf-stripping and soil sieving...! There really is no other way when you have horse-tail in the ground - even if you are predisposed to use weedkilller, this nasty weed can withstand it...
Bed #1 was the first to be ready for planting, this was destined to be my onion bed - the shallot sets had already started sprouting and were desperate to be in the ground, and garlic started in pots at home needed their final home too...

This is Bed #1, the garlic is in the centre, shallots closest to camera. At the far end are HyRed and Hercules onion sets. They were all planted out in the first week of April.
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