I've read a lot of other people's blog's recently, and finally taken the plunge into writing my own... Wish me luck!
The Wixy Pixies are the Wicks family, me (Sarah), husband Jez, and our 3 kids Sam, Mike and Milly. In February this year (07), we finally came to the top of the waiting list for an allotment - Plot #36. This will be a record of our attempt to bring it under control and grow some lovely food, and then persuade our darling children that they want to eat it...!
Before getting our allotment, this is the space I had been growing veg in for the last 2 years, as well as various pots, and a couple of mini-greenhouses. I had to clear this bed of several overgrown shrubs, couch grass, dandelions and improve the soil. I learnt a lot, and was raring to go with a bigger space...
A shock in store?
When I finally got the call in February to go and look at the plot we'd been allocated, I didn't expect to meet any problems I couldn't tackle... Oh dear, was I heading for a shock?!
"26/02/07 Despair?!
This is the plot we've just been given at our local site, having been on the waiting list for over a year. Apparently it's had nothing done to it for over 2 years (why didn't we get it last year then? who knows.....), and it's full of dock and bindweed, not to mention glass, rubble,half buried plastic... There's a large rectangle been dug out, presumably for a greenhouse, which is covered in broken glass and grown over with weeds, and has very little topsoil... I've measured it, and planned where my shed will go, drawn up a plan of where the beds will go, but i just don't know where to start... My OH's enthusiasm waned after the 1st hour of trying to level the site of my shed, and i can't even lift the bags of hardcore out of my boot to finish it myself.. My seed potatoes arrived this morning, it was a real effort of will power not to just throw em all in the bin.I really, truly feel like giving up right now."
This is the plot we've just been given at our local site, having been on the waiting list for over a year. Apparently it's had nothing done to it for over 2 years (why didn't we get it last year then? who knows.....), and it's full of dock and bindweed, not to mention glass, rubble,half buried plastic... There's a large rectangle been dug out, presumably for a greenhouse, which is covered in broken glass and grown over with weeds, and has very little topsoil... I've measured it, and planned where my shed will go, drawn up a plan of where the beds will go, but i just don't know where to start... My OH's enthusiasm waned after the 1st hour of trying to level the site of my shed, and i can't even lift the bags of hardcore out of my boot to finish it myself.. My seed potatoes arrived this morning, it was a real effort of will power not to just throw em all in the bin.I really, truly feel like giving up right now."
Luckily, The Grapevine is full of nice people, who are also very wise, and I got lots of encouragement to carry on. Within a couple of weeks, I got my lovely shed up (thanks to my Dad for a great early birthday present!) so at least I had somewhere to brew up, shelter from the rain, and even wee in a bucket if really necessary!
I'm looking forward to seeing your blog grow as your plot develops!
Hello! I am having a good giggle at the thought of you weeing in a bucket!
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