Friday, 1 June 2012

Quick look at the rest of the plot

It's not all about the polytunnel of course, plenty going on in the rest of the plot.

This is the potato patch on plot #2. It's planted up with Ratte, Charlotte, Blue Danube, Sarpo Axona and Sarpo Mira. The Blue Danube and the Sarpos are blight resistant. They've all been slow to get going due to a very cold start to the season, but are all showing through now.
This is the pea bed on plot #2, there are 2 rows at the back doing really well, which were netted against the sparrows. The 2 rows in front are struggling though, because I ran out of netting and so the sparrows are having a feast :( Hopefully they'll pick up... 

Most of plot #2 in this pic: Onion bed, back right; beans, back left; fruit, immediate right; peas and brassicas under insect netting, immediate left.

This is plot #1: potato bed, planted with Desiree; a bed full of over-wintered garlic, and beyond that is the sweetcorn bed.

A closer look at the sweetcorn bed, which after planting, I surrounded each plant with a handful of pondweed in order to trap a bit of moisture around their roots. Sod's law meant that it chucked it down the day after... Not that I'm complaining of course ;)

And this is a closer look at the bean bed. The frame is planted up with climbing beans Cobra (green pods), Cosse Violette (prolific producer of purple pods), and Tarbais (which produce beautiful, big white beans for drying). In front there's a block of dwarf beans; Aquilon, Cupidon and Minidor. The dwarf beans and the Cosse Violette are all available from The Real Seed Co.

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