Saturday, 11 July 2009

Lovely Butterfly and Some Huge Gooseberries

Whilst harvesting on Thursday evening, I had the lovely and unexpected pleasure of a Red Admiral butterfly landing on my hand! It was even kind enough to stay put long enough for me to get my camera phone out, open it up and take a snap :)

And here's a couple of snaps of the gooseberries, looking suspiciously like entries for the Grapevine Virtual Show... :D You never know, we might actually get a Show to enter them in sometime soon *rollseyes*

Aside from the gooseberries (of which I got 3lbs from 2 bushes!), I also harvested half a dozen sticks of rhubarb, over a 1lb of blackcurrants, just under a lb of raspberries, another lb of strawberries, a lettuce, a cucumber, a turnip, a bag of peas, and the last of the broad beans (the rest will be left for next year's seed).

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