Thursday, 18 June 2009

A Very Productive Day

We managed to spend almost all day at the plots on Monday, and got loads done!

Jez planted lots of celery plants in Next-Door-Plot, plus 2 Butternut Squash (Waltham) a Pumpkin plant (Jack of all Trades) and Courgette (Tristan). The butternuts and pumpkin are under fleece until they get established.

The red and blackcurrants are starting to ripen, but are desperate for some weeding around them... As soon as I can kneel... :D

Brassicas are settling in nicely under the Enviromesh - Calabrese Marathon, Dwarf Green Curly Kale and cabbage Minicole

But this was my "Achievement of the Day" - I finally managed to sow some carrots! Yay! Already in this bed were 3 rows of parsnips in desperate need of weeding. So I sat down and did that first, slightly disappointed to find that out of 3 rows there was only 6 parsnips altogether :(
Never mind, 6 is better than none! After that I dug out 4 trenches, filled them with a mixture of used and fresh MP compost plus some sieved soil, and sowed my carrots! Instead of doing rows, I did mixtures of seed and broadcast sowed them, mainly because I couldn't reach to do nice neat rows. So we'll see what comes up out of; Red Elephant (HSL), John's Purple (HSL), Ingot, Red Samurai, Yellowstone, Healthmaster & Honeysnack

Over-wintered onions which we're using now. Can't remember what variety the whites are but the reds are Red Cross and I'm really pleased with them - they're getting to good sizes and only had one bolter so far. Flavour is good too! (They came from Marshalls who I had to start using when I got an Electron debit card which T&M don't accept. Grrrrrr...) But I'll be getting these sets again for next year I think :)

Potatoes coming along well, they're flowering already :) Just need the blight to stay away for a bit longer...

Here's the Amish Paste plants doing their usual impression of a sickly plant... They'll crop like mad eventually whilst still looking like they've been mistreated and malnourished!

Strawberries are coming! Just need to get to them before the slugs do...

The whole plot from the greenhouse door :)

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